Getting good, reliable in spaces large and small is a constant process of many trials, mostly errors...and a lot of patience on the part of my mailman and wife.
This process is made far easier thanks to some help from some really lovely, smart men and women at some quality companies.
I endorse and use:
Aguilar Amplification
Hipshot Products
D'addario Strings
Fishman Transducers
Ear Trumpet Labs
Grace Audio Design
Jerry Harvey Audio
I don't get gear for free; it costs a lot of money to design and produce quality products. Yes, I get a discount from these companies I've listed and I'm really grateful, but I would use their products regardless. These folks answer my emails and phone calls, they listen to their endorsers when they have suggestions, and they make sure that I have no excuses when it comes to sounding my best, on stage and in the studio.